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विस्तृत कथा in English

pronunciation: [ vistrta katha ]  sound:  
विस्तृत कथा sentence in Hindi
विस्तृत    breadth dale expatiation broad band random
कथा    account saga tale story statement spell recital
1.Main Description : comprehensive story of Mahabharata
मुख्य उल्लेख :महाभारत की विस्तृत कथा

2.Main statement: The detailed story of Mahaharat.
मुख्य उल्लेख :महाभारत की विस्तृत कथा

3.Main mention : Mahabharata story in detail
मुख्य उल्लेख :महाभारत की विस्तृत कथा

4.Main point: Detailed story of Mahabharat
मुख्य उल्लेख :महाभारत की विस्तृत कथा

What is the meaning of विस्तृत कथा in English and how to say vistrta katha in English? विस्तृत कथा English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.